How to Clean Your Double Glazed Windows

Are you wondering how to keep your new double glazed windows looking sparkling? Double Glazed Windows from Starglaze; a quality, thermally efficient solution to your double glazing needs. Read more to discover how easy uPVC Windows are to maintain.
Spring is definitely here and there is something about this time of year that makes us want to have a good clean and tidy up… Also the sun has that pesky way of hitting our double glazed windows in such a way to show up every speck of dirt!
The right double glazing can really add value to our homes – it improves the energy efficiency, lowers your heating bills, and just generally makes your home look more presentable and easier to sell. Every so often though, you will need to give your double glazed windows a good clean to keep it looking like new. A lot of people tend to avoid cleaning their uPVC windows as they don’t want to damage them. However, you needn’t worry – our double glazed windows are really robust and cleaning them isn’t as scary as it may seem.
So how do you go about properly cleaning your double glazed windows inside and out?
Cleaning the glass of your uPVC windows is much like cleaning any other glass window. We would recommended you use a cloth and a non-abrasive cleaner, such as a proprietary window cleaner or just regular soapy water. Adding a cup of white vinegar to your water can also help to give a streak free finish. If you have any patterned glass where dirt has gathered in the crevices, a soft bristled brush will help. Finally, using a squeegee with a rubber strip will slick away the water after you have washed them, and also help to prevent streaks. Recently, a range of steam cleaners and vacuums designed specifically for cleaning uPVC windows have become popular, these are safe to use on your uPVC glazing and can yield terrific results for a lot less work.
Cleaning the plastic frames of your glazing is also very simple. Start by opening up your double glazed windows, and using the brush attachment on your vacuum, clean up any dust and debris that may have gathered in the nooks and crannies. Then wipe down the dirty frame using a sponge and warm soapy water – avoid using the scouring side as this can scratch. You can dry the frame using any soft cloth, like kitchen roll, a tea towel or a chamois leather. Soapy water usually does the trick, but if this does not get your uPVC windows as white as you’d like, there are proprietary brand cleaners specifically for uPVC that you can use, although we would not recommend using them on laminate finishes unless it clearly states on the bottle that it is suitable for them. Avoid scouring pads and any cleaners which contain bleach, solvents, or are abrasive.
If your double glazed windows are dirty between the two panes of glass, then unfortunately this is not something that can be cleaned up easily. There is some good news though, you don’t have to replace your entire double glazed window to sort it – a new glass unit can be fitted to your existing window. Our Starglaze Window fitters can help you with this, so if you have this problem and need a new unit give him a call for free on 01522 512020 or visit our website.